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Restorative Gap Management in the Esthetic Zone

Orthodontics | Direct Composite Bonding | Veneers | Bonded & All-Ceramic Bridges | Implants

$187.91 ex GST

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Today, adhesive techniques for partial crowns and bridges have become routine protocol, complementing established treatment options for fixed prosthodontics. Minimally invasive or noninvasive treatment options such as direct bonding with composite, veneers or resin-bonded bridges greatly help to reduce esthetic, technical, and biologic complications and increase the potential for reintervention. Therefore, these alternatives to anterior implants have gained increasing importance. Consequently, this book covers a wide spectrum of therapeutic means to deal with gaps in the anterior region. The content is divided into the following sub-themes: moving (the orthodontic approach), bonding (the restorative, noninvasive approach), placing pontics (the reconstructive approach with bonded or full-crown bridges), and placing implants (the implantologic approach).

The book is based on long-term clinical experience, with cases that are precisely described and richly documented with full-colour images. It is not a literature review but rather a type of atlas that presents its practical and knowledgeable content in the context of the relevant literature. It can therefore be regarded as an inspiring recipe book for clinical success.

Chapter 1. Some general considerations
Chapter 2. Restorative space management – a multidisciplinary approach

– Restorative or reconstructive corrections with or without preceding orthodontic treatment?

Chapter 3. Restorative and reconstructive options
Chapter 4. Case presentations and some technical considerations

– Gap closure and substitution of missing teeth
– Gap opening and tooth replacement
– Adhesive bridges
– Conventional bridges
– Implants
– Gap distribution and restorative compensation
– Gap shifting and restorative compensation
– Gap compensation exclusively by reconstructive means

Chapter 5. Final remarks


Dr. med. dent. Konrad H. Meyenberg

Switzerland, Zürich

1992 – 2012: Private Practice, together with Dr med dent MA Marco Imoberdorf, and until 2011, together with Dr med dent Peter Velvart, Rennweg, Zürich, Switzerland. 2013 – 2021: Private Practice, together with Dr med dent Christian Ramel (reconstructive dentistry), Dr med dent MA Marco Imoberdorf (reconstructive dentistry), Dr med dent Karin Wolleb (reconstructive dentistry), and Dr med dent Frank Paqué (endodontology practice), Rennweg, Zürich, Switzerland. Successor: PD Dr med dent Sven Mühlemann. 2021 – present: Presentations, workshops, and courses in reconstructive dentistry, including implantology and adhesive techniques

1979 – 1985: Studies in General Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine, University of Zürich, Switzerland (DMD graduate). 1986 – 1988: Assistant in Private Practice, Switzerland. 1988 – 1990: Postgraduate program in reconstructive dentistry, Department of Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics and Dental Material Sciences, Center for Dental and Oral Medicine and Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Zürich, Switzerland. Director: Prof Dr P. Schärer. 1990 – 1992: Assistant Professor and Senior Lecturer, Department of Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics and Dental Material Sciences, Center for Dental and Oral Medicine and Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Zürich, Switzerland. Director: Prof Dr P. Schärer. 2001 – 2020: Postgraduate Instructor for aesthetic dentistry and implantology, Department of Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics and Dental Material Sciences, Center for Dental and Oral Medicine and Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Zürich, Switzerland. Director: Prof Dr med dent C. Hämmerle

Licenses, certifications, and titles
1985: Federal Board Examination for Dentists (DMD graduate) and Diploma for Dental Medicine, School of Dental Medicine, University of Zürich, Switzerland. 1986: Dr med dent (doctor medicinae dentium), University of Zürich, Switzerland. 1993: Certification as specialist in reconstructive dentistry (SSO). 2001: Certification as specialist in reconstructive dentistry, aesthetics, and function (EDA)

Membership of professional and scientific organizations
Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft (SSO), Swiss Society of Reconstructive Dentistry (SSRD), European Dental Association (EDA), Swiss Society for Implantology (SGI-SSIO), European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED): Active Member, Academy of Osseointegration (AO), International Team for Implantology (ITI): Fellow; Editorial Board Member and Reviewer for: International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry, International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry